
About CPEQ

Founded in 1992 by representatives of Quebec’s companies and main business sectors, the Quebec Business Council on the Environment (CPEQ), is the umbrella organization that represents the Quebec business sector on environmental and sustainable development issues and on important general and common interests by coordinating its member companies' objectives. The CPEQ's mission is to act as a spokesperson for Quebec companies on issues related to the environment and sustainable development. The CPEQ comprises more than 300 companies and associations among the most significant in Quebec, that generate more than 300,000 jobs and report combined revenues of more than 45 billion dollars.

Environmental protection and the integration of the concept of sustainable development are both major concerns for today's society. Over the years, Quebec companies have had to "go green" by acknowledging the need to hire environment directors, adopting environmental policies, integrating Environmental Management Systems, reviewing operational procedures or by ensuring that their operations are in compliance with environmental regulations.

In this context, companies must now develop a holistic approach to the concept of sustainable development in order to act as catalysts in society whilst pursuing their objectives to improve living standards for citizens. To this end, they must now become more "proactive", whether by innovating in the field of alternative energy sources, by fostering initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or encouraging energy efficiency measures, by adopting responsible procurement measures, or by improving workplace quality of life or by increasing corporate involvement within the community.

The Quebec Business Council on the Environment (CPEQ) is therefore a collective showcase where each company can assert their interests and concerns. It is the unified voice of Quebec companies on matters related to the environment and sustainable development and facilitates the coordination of actions in these fields.

Our Vision 

Be the voice, the catalyst and forum through which local businesses operate, innovate and contribute to the protection of the environment and the implementation of sustainable development activities.

Our Mission

Representing the concerns and contributions of Quebec businesses among governments and various stakeholders in the environment and sustainable fields through:

  • representations (lobbying);
  • monitoring and information;
  • collaboration with stakeholders;
  • the development of decision making tools;
  • training sessions;
  • building awareness.

Our logo

The logo's central element represents the CPEQ, the rallying point for businesses. The three arrows represent the three pillars of sustainable development, as well as the movement and commitment of the CPEQ and its members towards sustainable development.


Our team

Our commitments and our values :

  • Listening to your needs
  • Working with rigor
  • Your full satisfaction


*For any media inquiry, please contact Mr. Jason Lebel, Vice-President (514-393-1122 #223 or jlebel@cpeq.org).



Hélène Lauzon

Chief Executive Officer

(514) 393-1122 #222


Jason Lebel

Vice President

(514) 393-1122 #223


Louis-Philippe Lefebvre

Legislative and Public Affairs Director

(514) 393-1122 #225



Olivier Dulude

Deputy Director for Legislative and Public Affairs

(514) 393-1122 #227


Anik Leclerc

Administrative and Customer service Director

(514) 393-1122 #221


Laurent Lizotte-Lavallée

Marketing and Multimedia Coordinator

(514) 393-1122 #226


Pierre Jolicoeur


(514) 393-1122 #226


Étienne Garceau-Tremblay

Project and event manager

(514) 393-1122 #224


Olivia Deschênes

Law student



Contact us

Quebec Business Council on the Environment 
640 St. Paul Street West,
Suite 504
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1L9

Phone : 514 393-1122
Fax : 514 393-1146
E-mail : info@cpeq.org

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